Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Encinitas, California

Last weekend my sister and I went to Southern California for the weekend. It was so much fun!! Some of you may know that my favorite band of all time is Switchfoot. They are incredibly incredible. I love them. Every year they have a free charity concert on the beach in Encinitas, their hometown. Trevor and I went 2 years ago, and I kid you not, it was life changing. I love everything they stand for and everything they’re about. They seriously inspire me to go for gold and follow my dweams. My sissy has really gotten into them the past year, and we decided that we had to go to the concert together if it’s the last thing we did.

Originally, my mom and dad were going to come with us so we could use my mom’s hotel points, but at the last second they both couldn’t go, so it was just me, Jenna, and our really comfy rental car heading to Del Mar (just north of San Diego).

We arrived at the hotel Friday afternoon, and PEOPLE. THE HOTEL WAS UNO MILES FROM THE BEACH. The hotel had bikes to ride around, so we unpacked in our seriously insanely nice hotel room (THANKS MOM!) and rode bikes to the beach and played.

 We did not bike on the freeway. 

Let it be known that I have a serious fear of the ocean. It didn’t help that I watched shark week before the trip, and I have a problem of watching endless YouTube videos of shark attacks. Anyways, I got over a major fear of mine and played in the ocean!! I put my head under the water and everything. It was so. Much. FUN. Maybe in a few years I’ll get the courage to learn to surf.

Jenna's hair though. 

The beach we were at was gorgeous- it was all cliffy and stuff. The area where we were staying was not touristy at all. There weren’t any stores close by the beach or anything, and there were hardly any people too. It was awesome.

Saturday morning we did round 2 of bikes to the beach then came back to get ready for the concert at noon. The concert was from 12-5 on Moonlight Beach, with Switchfoot playing at 4. The opening bands were fantastic. The band members have a surf jousting competition together which was so fun to watch. We were idiots and forgot our swimsuits (I KNOW) so we just dipped our toesies and some legsies in the water. We decided to get our spot at 1:45, and I’m really glad we did because it was PACKED. So many people were there. We were 6th row! Check out this pic Tim Foreman (bass) posted.
6th row! And this literally happened- Jon Foreman pointed and sang to me, Jenna, and the guy next to us because we were all such hard core fans and were freaking the heck out. Seriously!! Gah I’m such a fangirl it’s disgusting.

That lone palm tree. I lerve it.

The COOLEST houses ever. Trev and I saw them 2 years ago and I wanted to show them to Jenna but couldn't remember where they were. Luckily they were on the street we parked on!

Anyways, we had a ball and we were in a daze for about an hour after. We headed back to our hotel to grab our swimsuits then headed back to ze beach until the end of the night. We may or may not have stayed up until 2 crying over the most hilarious/ stupid snapchat videos we made. I am so sorry for everyone who follows me on snapchat for that weekend. Here’s a little taste.

Best weekend ever. It was so fun to spend it just with my sis! AND to have a trip that was pure fun and no work. Next weekend I’m headed to Grand Rapids, Michigan.