Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Week 63: Giddy

February 13, 2017

That moment when you're at a stop light driving home and a guy pulls up next to you and tries to start talkin to you and you feel so awkward and the only thing you know how to do is turn up "Count your many blessings" on full blast and hope he gets the message #flirttoconvert

The other day our investigator texted us and goes, "So I was reading on your lds website about a manuscript that had been lost by Joseph Smith- the 117 lost pages I believe. I wish I could have read that." THAT MAKES TWO OF US, MY FRIEND. 

Oh I decided I'm not coming home from my mission so I'll never be seeing any of you unless you come visit me in Bakersfield because HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FIND REAL MEXICAN FOOD ANYWHERE IN UTAH!!
Thought for yer day: 
If you want to make lasting changes in your life, it has to be on the foundation of something everlasting. 

I know. I'm deep.

We met this investigator named Raul a couple weeks ago. He is a quiet guy but he was interested. Our first lesson, he hardly talked and he didn't want to pray and he didn't come to church. We asked him to pray and to read before we came back. This past week our lesson with him was sooo different than before. He was super talkative and had a lot more questions. We talked about prayer a ton with him- how we pray, why we pray, what to say, and then all about how to get answers. And then at the end we all knelt down AND HE GAVE THE SWEETEST PRAYER ON THE PLANET. It was so tender. Then he came to church! And we forgot to tell him to wear church clothes so he came in jeans. He's like "was I supposed to dress up? I feel out of place." Crap, Lol. WE CAN'T ALWAYS BE PERFECT. 

So my whole mission, I've heard about this street on the East side of town called Cottonwood road. Everyone has talked it up saying it's the most ghetto road in Bakes. Well guess what. The other day we went to go visit a less active and he lived on... Cottonwood!! I was seriously so excited. We go to the address.... and it's a perfectly normal neighborhood. I was so disappointed. I was hoping to be right in the middle of a drug bust or something crazy, but nope. We pray before we get out of the car, and right as I said, "Please help us to know if we will be safe here" a voice popped into my head and said, "Do not get out of the car." Ugggghhh fiiiiiiine. If there is one thing I know FO SHO, it's to never ignore a prompting. So we drove away, sadly. But I got a picture with the street sign so it's all good. Lesson learned: Don't ignore promptings, even if you don't ever see the reason why you got that prompting.  

Also here is a quote I love so much:

"The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ takes the slums out of people, and then they take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior but Christ can change human nature." 

If you really want to change the way you act, ask the Lord to change your heart and the rest will follow. 


Literally so many pictures; enjoy this beautiful face while you can. 
Sister Harmon

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