Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Week 73: Well Hello

April 24, 2017

My fav moments of the week: 

Bishop: "Hey Sisters can I talk to you for a sec?" **walks over to a more secluded spot**
Me: "You're finally gonna start paying us now?" **Girly giggles from only me**

That moment when Elder Ball, the mission finance senior missionary, walks over to me and whispers in my ear, "I put $25 extra dollars on both your accounts." and walks back over to his desk. It's finally happening. #blessed

We went hiking in the mountains of Tehachapi with our zone and it was a needed nature moment -HOLY COW I missed hiking. Hiking has become spiritual for me now, it's awesome. 


Ok so Jose. We've been teaching him for like three transfers now. He has come such a long way. We finally got him to search the scriptures, and BOOM he's making progress. So last week he opens up to us and tells us some stuff he's feeling. We tell him to repent. He DOES. We meet with him on Saturday and he tells us this awesome spiritual experience he has where he feels godly sorrow and repents and feels the spirit and feels so good.

Then later we bring up his goal of getting baptized May 26 and he goes, "Yeah I was wondering if I could move that sooner like next Saturday?" UM SURE THING BUDDY, LEMME MAKE A FEW CALLS - WHAT THE HECK?!?!! Do you know how many times I have gone unconscious on my mission? Too many times. Sister Hayes and I are just two giggly little seahorses just paroozin around. I know that made no sense. 

We went to the LA temple. We had to drop a member off at LAX on our way, and Hayes and I got a fake shot of us on our way. Lolz hold your horses people... Jenna.. 

Oh my goodness legit quote from Sister Ball, the mission office secretary. 
"So I was talking to President about how much we love you, and I said, 'I betcha she was a tough one to raise.'" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, OH MY WORD SISTER BALL IS PSYCHIC!! 

Oh my word, so in institute we had a lesson on Christ's second coming and the 1000 years of peace that follows. "So wuz gon happen is Satan is gon be bound in does 2 chainz and he can't harm all y'all."  But for reals Satan can't do anything to anyone and it's gonna be pure peace and it's gonna be awesome. 

Brother Bennett, our beloved teacher, said that we don't have to wait for the millenium to have peace and have Satan be bound. When we put Christ at the center of our lives, and choose to get rid of the things Satan uses to bind us and enslave us, then we can totally experience the millenium and the pure peace now. It's a cool concept to think about and I challenge each one of you little beep bops to find something that Satan uses to bind you and bring you down, and GET RID OF IT LIKE IT'S LAST YEARS PRADA SHOES. For real just shred it outta yo life and I promise you'll have inner peace. 

K Bye.
Sister Harmon

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