Ok so the other missionaries are emailing to and they are talking and DO THEY NOT UNDERSTAND THIS IS THE HOLY HOUR OF SILENCE?!!??
Ok so remember how last week I sent the most depressing email of all time? So sorry. But the good news is this week was so so much better!!
I am adjusting to Bishop which is good. And I am warm from all my clothes mom sent me :) AND it's not so freezing anymore!!! Seriously such a blessing. And it's been sunny every day. God is good.
On Pday Sister Wheeler and I went up to the mountains and tried to go hiking, but the roads were closed. We did walk on a half-frozen lake which was so fun and totally safe! Lolz. As we were driving we saw this tree that was covered in ice! In the middle of the desert! There was a pipe that broke and covered in it ice, but it that was probably the only frozen tree that exists in California.
Later that night we had FHE with our investigator, Chris, and his next door neighbor named Sister Schuman, who is a member. Chris has been investigating the church for foreeeevverrrr, so we've been really working with him to make progress. It's hard to teach because Chris and Sister Schuman are chatty cathy's and it's hard to get a word in!! It ended up being a suuper great lesson and he really felt the spirit and we made some good progress. This week we are going to commit him to baptism again.
The elders were teaching this guy about the Book of Mormon and he was like "So I was reading about Lehi and how he had this crazy dream, and I thought whoa, I wanna have that dream too! So I did a huge riff. Lehi must of have been high, man." And the elders were like actually he had FAITH and then he PRAYED and had the dream. The investigator was like "ohhh.. that makes sense." LOLZ.
Christmas time in the mission field is so different than being at home. Instead of thinking of what I want for Christmas, I've been trying to focus on what I can give the Savior this Christmas. Because if you haven't noticed he already gave us the greatest gift possible which is ETERNAL LIFE AND THE ATONEMENT. Sister Wheeler and I are giving the Savior a baptism for Christmas this year. What are you going to give the Savior for Christmas? Think about it and then do it. And then tell me about it. hehe.
Our investigator Michelle CAME TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY WITH HER CHILDREN!!!!!!! We died. She is literally a miracle she hasn't been taught in a month and then we went over to her house last week (her schedule is crazy) and she was like "I want to be baptized. I love the Lord and want to show him I love him" and I was like GET CHANGED LETS DO THIS. And then she came to church. Ugh it was so great. She is so ready to be baptized. She wants to be baptized on Feb 24th (sentimental reasons) but little does she know she is getting baptized on December 26. We are working on it. Lolz. But she is seriously so so great. Yesterday was stake conference and it was being broadcast from Ridgecrest, and whaddayaknow, the whole broadcast went out for an hour and we all sat there waiting awkwardly. OF COURSE the one Sunday our investigator comes to church. But she is going to keep coming so it's all good.
We had another lesson with one of our other investigators, Crystal, this week. We thought we were going to drop her but when we came for the lesson she was there with her kids and her mom which never happens!!! (she usually just doesn't come) It was so awesome. And a blessing.
Ok so there is a thousand things to write and I don't want to annoy you with a 10 page letter.
This week we went over to a potentials to set up a lesson and I said "can I share a scripture before we go?" and I read on accident this scripture "Repent ye and be baptized" In alma. HAHAHAHAHAH it was so funny. After I read it I was like "ya know I just love that scripture..." I'm still laughing about it.
On Friday we had zone meeting in Lone Pine, another random town that happens to be touristy. It was suuch a good meeting and we made lots of goals. One of them is a covenant list. If you want special blessings, you have to make special sacrifices. We want 3 new investigators every week, so we are each going to make special sacrifices, start doing things, and stop doing things, so we can reach that goal.
This week I was reading a lot about mercy and justice. God is a just God that HAS to follow laws or else he would cease to be God. Jesus is the ONLY way that we can come back to Heaven because no unclean can dwell with God. He has already suffered for our sins and afflictions- He isn't waiting until we sin to suffer for it- He already did a long time ago. It would be so stupid of us to not take advantage of that and use the Atonement to help us be forgiven and to help us change. Food for thought.
I'll send pictures in a little bit but I love you all and hope you are doing well. Good luck with finals and remember C's get degreees!!!!!
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