Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Week 49: Companion B-days and Speeding

November 7, 2017

Okay so cool story. the second day of being here in Tehachapi, we knocked into this part member family's house that weren't on the list. We talked to the lady who was suuuper nice. Things went from us knocking on their door, to visiting, to trying to do family history work, to doing service twice, to them inviting us over for dinner and havin family home evening! It was awesome. They made us tri-tip and we taught the plan of salvation and played jenga. They loved it. You really never know what will happen to the people that you meet. We had no idea that we'd be able to have FHE with them, and now we are having Thanksgiving dinner with them, and she won't stop calling us by our first names. We are working on that one haha.

In what other time of life would I spend an afternoon sitting on the floor of a hoarder's home, covered in cat hair, sorting through old books and receiving financial advice from a former investigator? The mission is an amazing time of life.

Sister Daelemans birthday was this week! Mom was a little sneakmyster and mailed me party supplies. She let me wrap her like a mummy with streamers during comp study. A mission birthday she'll never forget.

So on Friday we had a zone meeting in Bakersfield, and then we had to go to get our car fixed in Bakes just down the street from the mission office. While our car was getting fixed, we decided to just walk 10 minutes to the mission office because I had to watch a video about driving safely, because apparently I speed too much, but it's not my fault that I inherited Grandma's lead foot!! (jk love you so much Grandma!) 

As we were walking we passed this homeless man sitting on the curb. We started talking to him and he said that he was in Vegas, got super drunk, and his 'friend' drove him to Bakersfield and dropped him off on the side of the road and abandoned him. SOME FRIEND! Anyway, we gave him a card and told him a little bit about the Jesus Christ  and then continued on our way. and then we realized we were clueless and we should have given him a Book of Mormon. So on our walk back to the shop he was still there, and we gave him a Book of Mormon and told him a little bit about it and how it could help him. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but for some reason it made me sooooo happy that we went back. Who knows, maybe years down the road he'll run into missionaries and he'll pull out his Book of Mormon that missionaries gave him when he was abandoned in the middle of Bakersfield. Ya never know.

Also, the two assistants to the President right now were both my zone leaders when I was in my last area. It is so much fun!!!! 

Something we do with our investigators, formers, potentials, and less-actives is we send a daily scripture text. it's my favorite thing. Here's Sunday's: 

"Alma 34:41
"Have patience, and bear with those afflictions, with a firm hope that ye shall one day rest from all your afflictions."

Every single person in life will be given trials, challenges, and afflictions; including you and me. Why do these things happen to us? Most of the time we can't see the "why" when we are in the moment. We wonder how this trial could possibly be for our good, and how God could allow us to go through it. But as we move forward with a firm faith in Jesus Christ, relying on Him, giving Him our burden, and sincerely asking for strength and help, we can not only get through and overcome whatever the challenge, but later we'll look back with greater understanding, and even a thankful heart.""


also a video of me trying to feed a horse - WHICH I CANNOT DO
Sister Harmon



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